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Oil Paintings
(Click on the images below for a larger view)
(Newest additions with red text)
(Prices available on request)

The Pride of Her Family

Oil on Canvas
18” x 24”

Princess for a Day

Oil on Canvas
16” x 20”


Oil on Canvas
9” x 12”

Beauty From Ashes

Oil on Canvas
16” x 20”


Standing In Awe of the Beauty

Oil on Canvas
20” x 16”

Where the Antelope Play
Oil on Canvas
16” X 20”

Study for Beauty From Ashes

Oil on Canvas
11” x 14”

The Old Coal Truck (still ready to rumble)
Oil on Canvas

A Place to Remember
Oil on Canvas
11” x14”

A Boy and His Horse

Oil on Canvas
20” x 16”

A Quiet Saturday Afternoon
Oil on Canvas
14" x 11"

Chit Chat
Oil on Canvas
40" x 30"

Why I Love Indiana winters

Oil on Canvas
16" x 20"

$2.49 Worth of Spring
10"x20" Oil

Sunday Morning
24"x12" Oil

Study for Brandon's Wigwam
7"x5" Oil

Brandon's Wigwam
14"x11" Oil

Grandpa Watson a tribute to a quiet leader
16"x20" Oil

Grandma's Tea Cup
5"x7" Oil

Quiet Times

16"x20" Oil

Amber and Her Chicken
8"x10" Oil

Chit Chat
30"x40" Oil

All Who Are Thirsty

The Faith of a Child
18"x24" Oil

Dinner Time

24"x18" Oil

Part of the Floock

Redemption Part 1
10"x20" Oil

Redemption Part 2
10"x20" Oil

Corn, Drama, and a Red Dress a self portrait
20"x24" Oil

Rainy Day at the Bog
12"x9" Oil

Sunflowers on a Sunny Day
12"x12" Oil on Gallery Wrap Deep Canvas

Parker Hall: Hanover College
20"x16" Oil

After the Blizzard
8"x10" Oil on linen

A View of the Fun
Oil on board

Between Here and There
24" x 28" Oil on canvas

In the Company of Friends
16 x 20 oil on board

The Conductor and His Boy
16"x 20" Oil on canvas

Fergy, Loyal to the End
9" x12" Oil on board

I Stand in Awe
16"x20" Oil on board

Learning to Dance
16Oil on linen

Marble Head Light House
8" x 10" oil on board

Running Wild
Oil on canvas

Walk With Me
16"x20" Oil on canvas

Sitting Pretty
8"x10" Oil on board

In My Dreams
16"x20" Oil on linen

Fall Afternoon
10” x 8” oil on board

Standing Tall
7” x 10” oil on board 

Purple Harmony
10”x 8” oil on board

The Point at Hanover College

16” x 20” oil on board
Not For Sale

The Old Saw Mill
9” x 12” oil on board

Leader of the Flock
20" x 16" oil on canvas

Club Soda

9” x 12” oil on board

Over the Wabash
16” x 20” oil on board

Bottom Land
9” x 12” oil on board

Early Morning Commute 
20” x 16” oil on board

The Cattle on a Thousand Hills
10” x 20” oil on board        

Lonely Spaces
20” x 16” oil on board 

A Saturday Afternoon in January
20” x 16” oil on board

A Foggy Morning
20” x 16” oil on board

The Eel River
8” x 10” oil on board
A Spring Sail
10” x 8” oil on board

Evening Stroll
20” x 16” oil on board

A Saturday Afternoon Race
 10”x 20” oil on board
A Bit of Sun with the Snow
20” x 16” oil on board

Little Sable Lighthouse
20” x 16” oil on board  
On the Banks of the Wabash
10” x 20” oil on board
Comfort Food
20”x 16” oil on board
8” x 10” oil on board

Three Trees Standing Together
20” x 16” oil on board
8” x 10” oil on board

North Manchester’s Covered Bridge
20” x 16” oil on board
Midnight at Culver
10” x 8” oil on board
House of the Singing Winds
8” x 10” oil on canvas

Reaching for the Sky
oil on board

A Windy Day In March
24x 30 oil on canvas

Around the Point
Oil on board